Bookkeeping Elements

Four Key Elements of Great Bookkeeping June 4,  2019   If properly executed, your bookkeeping system will turn out accurate financial statements that can be used for several tasks – financial reporting, budgeting, forecasting, raising capital, applying for...

Flow-through Entities

Flow-through Entities What are They? Why Should You Care? May 14,  2019   As a business owner, you have a number of options on how to organize your business for tax purposes. Many small, single owner, businesses are not incorporated, and are deemed...

Ratios and Reports

Ratios and Reports: Beyond the Financial Statements April 23,  2019     In addition to the traditional financial statements, you will want industry specific reports to allow you to compare your company’s performance to that of others. You will...

Financial Planning

Financial Planning January  14,  2019 Financial planning starts with spending some time understanding your financial situation. Often one person in the household manages the financial affairs leaving someone else in the dark. Here are some ideas on where to start...

The New Business Deduction

The New Business Deduction December 31, 2018  A new deduction is available to businesses with qualified business income (QBI). While that’s great news, new deductions (especially ones with lots of rules) can bring anxiety and confusion. Never fear! Ensuring...

Planning for Staffing Decisions

Layoffs Imminent? Include These 4 Steps in Your Plan December 21, 2018  Whether your firm is large, small or somewhere in between, you may be faced with rising costs and declining revenues. This, in turn, may force you to make tough personnel decisions, including...