Is Your Power of Attorney for Property Powerful Enough?

  Is Your Power of Attorney for Property Powerful Enough? September 24, 2021    Your estate plan may include a power of attorney for property that appoints another person to manage your investments, pay your bills, file your tax returns and otherwise handle your...

3 essential estate planning strategies not to be ignored

  Three Essential Estate Planning Strategies Not to Be Ignored September 17, 2021    With most tax planning, there are certain strategies that are generally effective and shouldn’t be ignored. The same holds true for estate planning. Here are three essential estate...

Estate planning in a socially distanced environment

    Estate Planning in a Socially Distanced Environment September 13, 2021    As many states continue to struggle with the current surge in COVID-19 cases, the “new normal” demands continued social distancing in many areas of life. What does this mean for estate...

Choose your own investments with a self-directed IRA

    Choose Tour Own Investments With a Self-Directed IRA September 7, 2021    If you’re the type who would rather order ala carte rather than a set entrée, you might prefer a “self-directed” IRA. With this option, you may be able to amp up the benefits of a...

Is Recording My Will Signing On Video a Good Idea?

  Is Recording My Will Signing on Video a Good Idea? August 24, 2021   Some people make video recordings of their will signings in an effort to create evidence that they possess the requisite testamentary capacity. For some, this strategy may help stave off a...

Family Bank Professionalizes Intrafamily Lending

  A Family Bank Professionalizes Intrafamily Lending August 18, 2021   Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic turndown in some areas, you may have family members in need of financial support. If you’re interested in lending money to loved...