Mar 29, 2021 | Tax, Uncategorized
Six Problematic Tax Topics March 29, 2021 Here are six tax topics that seem innocent but can cause problems if not handled correctly. 1. Gambling Winnings If you receive a tax form at a casino for your winnings, that information is sent to the tax...
Mar 8, 2021 | Tax, Uncategorized
Understand Tax Terms: AFRs March 8, 2021 Your grandson needs a car, but cannot afford the payments. As a favor, you provide the $25,000 to purchase the car. You tell your grandson to pay you back when he can, but there is no loan document. The IRS sees...
Jan 29, 2021 | Tax, Uncategorized
Alert: Look for New 1099 NEC February 10, 2021 The Form 1099 The Form 1099 is an informational tax form that captures economic activity that is then reported to you and the tax authorities. The primary purpose of the form is to ensure you are reporting...
Jan 28, 2021 | Tax, Uncategorized
Four Ways to Make Sure Your Tax Return Doesn’t Get Stuck February 4, 2021 Here are four ways to make sure the preparation of your tax return keeps humming along until it gets filed. 1. Keep Tax Documents in One Place. Missing items are one of the...
Jan 5, 2021 | Tax, Uncategorized
Your Home, A Bundle of Tax Benefits January 19, 2021 Common Deductions 1. Interest Deductibility Mortgage interest is one of the few allowed deductible interest expenses. It is limited to the first $750,000 dollars in loans secured by your primary...