A Gift of Stock

  A Gift of Stock Information is Key When Using this Tax Planning Strategy September 8, 2020   You own some stock that has increased in value. To avoid a possible taxable gain by selling the stock, you wish to give it directly to a child or grandchild. This...

Find a Budget That Works for You

  Find a Budget Method that Works for You September 4, 2020   You have your own unique personality, preferences and lifestyle. Likewise, how you manage and organize your finances can have its own personality, including how you budget. Here are five different...

IRS Stops Mailing Balances Due

  IRS Temproarily Stops Mailing Notices to Taxpayers with Balances Due September 1, 2020   The IRS has suspended the mailing of three notices – the CP501, the CP503 and the CP504 – that go to taxpayers who have a balance due on their taxes. Although the IRS...

The Importance of an Original Will

  The Importance of an Original Will September 1, 2020   In a world that’s increasingly paperless, you’re likely becoming accustomed to conducting a variety of transactions digitally. But when it comes to your last will and testament, only an original,...

5 Reasons to Turn Down an Inheritance

  5 Reasons to Turn Down an Inheritance August 20, 2020   You may use a qualified disclaimer to refuse a bequest from a loved one. Doing so will cause an asset to bypass your estate and go to the next beneficiary in line. What are the reasons you’d take this...

College Aged Children Need Estate Plan

  Estate Planning for College Bound Students August 13, 2020   It’s August, and that means it’s time to get ready to go back to school for many students. If your child recently graduated from high school and is heading to college in the next few weeks,...